One of the key moments that made me realize I'm not as neurotic as I was last year, a constant point I like to make, is the fact that instead of worrying about writing this post during my Christmas vacation, I decided to put it off until I got back over to the East Coast.
So here I am, on a graduate program trip with the rest of my arts journalism program-mates, and doing a quick write-up before bedtime (and another full day of gallery visits, fancy lunches, and shows).
If I think about who I was at the beginning of 2010 and who I am now, at the beginning of 2011, it's like looking at two different people and two different lives.
I graduated with a BA and moved across the country. I've become a better writer, a little more knowledgeable, a little more perceptive, and a lot less awkward when talking to people. And that has resulted in more confidence, in who I am, in my abilities and in what I want my life to turn out.
Considering such a large change has taken place, it's strange to think that I am still in that transitional state. I'm not a kid anymore but at the same time, not a full-fledged, independent (ie: out of school and working) adult. Yet this time next year, I will be. And the thought is both terrifying and exhilarating.
Then again, big question marks tend to be. They are also part of what makes life so exciting and splits up the years, which can seem monotonous sometime if you're restless with where you are and long for things to be different. Right now, I don't long for anything and am just satisfied with where I am, whether it's home in California during winter or running around New York City.
As for resolutions, I don't like to making them because I find that you tend to forget about it after a month has gone by. So instead, I have chosen to just make some doable realistic goals that before the New Year, I had already decided I was going to do.
1) Go to the gym. Since I will have more time this upcoming semester, I will go back to the gym and weight-lift again.
2) Get a job after graduation, preferably in New York City, hopefully in something arts-related.
Modest, easy to remember, and if I don't do them, I'll be both fat and unemployed. It's an unsavory thought which will force me to meet them.
And my resolution last year? I searched through my old entry from last year and I only had one: fall in love. I did. Though that's a tale too personal to share for now. Talk to me in another couple of years and I'll probably write all about it, and in nicer prose too.
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