
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

5 Things I'm Discovering Now That I Work Full-Time

When you're in college, it's impossible to see past college. To put it even more specifically, it's impossible to see into a time where you will do anything but go to class, do homework and get drunk on a weeknight (going to work hungover is not nearly as fun as going to class, mostly because your friends won't be there to comment on how legendary last night was). So now that I am an adult (for the most part), here are the things that I have discovered about living in the working world.

  • It's time to take vitamins. Working in an office, which (next to the subway) is a petri dish of refiltered air and germs. Chances are, if one person in your section gets sick (and they will not be staying home unless they are physically unable to leave the bed), it is going to spread and everyone will take turns taking sick days. Though just one sick day though, you don't want your supervisor to think you're taking advantage of sick days. And I've also caught a cold three times in the last four months which means I have gotten used to carrying zinc-rich lozenges in my purse.
  • You are actually held accountable for coming into work on time. So if you're running 30 minutes, an hour, or won't be in until lunchtime, somebody better know. And usually such lateness will have consequences, mainly in the form of less personal days for you. So you can sleep in one day, but rest assured, you'll have less time off later.
  • Go to the gym. If you're a working woman (especially one that lives in New York City and will inevitably go out multiple times a week), there will not be time to stop by the grocery store, buy what you need, lug that home and cook a meal. So to prevent those love handles from forming due to all the take-out you will be having, or to counteract the slow metabolism that comes with old age (according to my sister, it goes downhill at 25), it's time to join a gym. I just got my Crunch gym membership, which means every Saturday and Monday, I'll be taking zumba and pilates. I've never done either of those things but they look like they might be interesting, or at least keep me from developing a second chin.
  • You're expected to dating/with somebody. When you're in school, you can make the excuse that you're focusing on finishing school and have a career, so you don't have time for a boyfriend. Now that I'm working full-time and have my career set, "I'm lazy" is no longer a viable excuse for not putting myself out there. Because before you know it, people your age will meet their significant other (for now) and probably get married. While you hang around in your 30's alone on a Friday night because all of your closest friends are spending quality time with their significant other. Which is why I signed up for online dating but that's another story.
  • What's next for me? For so long, since I was a teenager really, I have wanted to be an adult and be independent and on my own. Now that I've gotten to that point and working 40 hours a week, what do I do now? What do I do with the rest of my life, which I never realized it but, it's a long time (baring accidental deaths). I'm starting to think this is why people get married and have kids when they start working. There's nothing better to do and people need a goal to work towards in order to give some meaning to their lives. So what's my goal now? I guess I'll figure it out after I've been working a while. For now, I'm thankful for the one-track-ness of everything.

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